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LITTER UPDATE - Izzy & Winston (03/14/2022)

It's hard to believe our time here is almost over. We'll soon be trading our whelping pen for back yards and walks in the park. We'll be trading wrestling matches with the litter for snuggles from our forever families. We've had so much fun learning and playing these past eight weeks. We love to wrestle, bark, growl and tug. We've gotten really good at using our outside voices, though we could use a bit more work perfecting our inside voices. We've mastered a lot of tasks and enjoy roughhousing, but our favorite activities are still eating and sleeping! We'll miss our siblings but can't wait to meet our new families, where we'll belong for a lifetime. We can't wait for the new adventures to begin as we graduate from puppyhood with our families. So blessed to live the puppy life!


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