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Committed to Excellence

Health testing

It is very important to us that we do all we can to help assure we are only producing healthy puppies. So this starts with doing proper health testing on our breeding dogs so we can make the best match ups possible. Genetic panels & OFA preliminary hips & elbows.

What is included

Our puppies come with a 2 year health guarantee, vet check, age appropriate vaccines, & dewormed. All records will be in their take home bag.


We start litter box training at 3 weeks of age & crate introduction at 5 weeks old.

Our curriculum

All our puppies are raised on Badass breeder program. Involving Early neurological stimulation (ENS), Early Scent Introduction (ESI) and daily curriculum. I truly believe early socializing is so crucial in helping our puppies become the best family members they can be! We Provide an age appropriate curriculum during the 8 weeks our puppies are with us. Each week we move on to new and exciting stimulating tasks, what looks like just simple play is actually carefully planned out tasks. Helps provide them with the tools to overcome fearful situations, confident & happy puppies. The first 16 weeks of a puppies life is the most crucial, their fear period is at an all time low. So each new encounter, new smell, new texture or sound helps shape the puppy they will be. Like humans learning a second language, its easier to do at young age. You can teach a old dog new tricks but its just take a bit longer.

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